How to Create an Effective Virtual Booth

Are you planning to be involved in a virtual event while our live events have been canceled? Here are some tips to be sure you get the most out of the event.

The key to success within a virtual event platform is your mindset and preparation. Many vendors (and event planners) think of virtual events as much easier to plan for than live in-person events. That mindset will get you in trouble. You need to put the same amount of time into planning for a virtual event as you would a regular trade show.

Much of the burden of success falls on the exhibitor, just like at a trade show. There is only so much a meeting organizer can do to drive traffic to the exhibit hall. You have to be the one to create compelling, engaging content that will catch the attention of your audience. There’s a plus side to putting in the effort in the beginning – you now have creative, show-stopping content you can repurpose a variety of ways in your marketing through email, webinars, social media, and more.

Use this time to develop web-based resources for your customers that can be reused. Think short videos with a call to action, a special discount for virtual events, free treatment room or display area samples…

3 Keys to an Engaging Virtual Booth

  1. Valuable Content that’s visually appealing
  2. Compelling Opt-in
  3. Great Offer

Valuable Content

Give your potential customers the answer to the question they are asking or the problem they are trying to solve. This includes case studies, templates, protocols, billing and coding information, patient-facing materials, step by step instructions, how-to guides, etc. Be sure to brand everything to match your company’s “look” and include all relevant contact information. Use your “recognizable faces” in your content – think talking heads and videos with your sales reps.

Compelling Opt-In

Answer their question with a video or downloadable piece of content, but require their contact information in order to view the content. Provide a link to a landing page with an offer they can’t refuse. They will then hand over their email address to take advantage of the offer or view the content and now you have a way to continuously market to them.

Great Offer

What brings doctors into the exhibit hall (besides coffee)? Special deals, free samples, and fun promotional products. The same applies to a virtual event. Make your show special something better than normal to catch their attention. Offer free samples included with their order. Send them a free gift (promo item) in exchange for their contact information or for their attention on a live or pre-recorded webinar. Generate excitement by sending a secret code or small gift in the mail prior to the event. They can use the code in the virtual exhibit hall to cash in on a great giveaway or discount.

Have fun with this! The good thing is, creating a virtual event shouldn’t cost you a ton of money the way investing in a booth display would. So play around, see what works and what doesn’t. Tweak things until you get a working model. Get involved in as many virtual events as you can to test your content. You won’t be sorry. It certainly won’t be time wasted.